





In order to promote the exchanges and discussion among universities in the Yangtze River Delta on the promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship in design education, experts and scholars in the industry will be invited to lecture to teachers and students in the Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Design Education Forum in Yangtze River Delta hosted by Tongji University on the morning of November 27th. The event is hosted by the Sino-Italian Campus of Tongji University (TJSIC), undertook by the Design and Innovation Center of the TJSIC, and supported by the College of Design and Innovation of Tongji University and the Steering Committee of Ministry of Education on Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education of Higher Education.


Tongji University, together with Zhejiang University, Soochow University, Hefei University of Technology, and other universities characterized by innovation in the Yangtze River Delta, will strengthen the exchange of information on design innovation and entrepreneurship among design universities in the Yangtze River Delta by "creating a collaborative forum, expanding research channels, strengthening academic innovation and cultivating entrepreneurial talents".  Joint workshops among universities in the Yangtze River Delta will be held to implement innovation and entrepreneurship education according to characteristics of design disciplines, and to accelerate the training of a group of new interdisciplinary talents with creative thinking in design, technological innovation and entrepreneurial leadership. These activities will enhance the innovation and entrepreneurship education reform, integrated development and international influence of the Yangtze River Delta in the field of design and innovation.









时间:2020年11月27日 上午9:00-11:50


同济大学设计创意学院 鱼缸报告厅








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