
The Center for Italian Studies (CSIUT), filed as a research center of international studies by the Ministry of Education, is based on existing advantages of disciplines in Tongji University and guided by the University's strategic directions to enhance international cooperation and communication with European and American countries as well as countries and regions along "the Belt and Road". CSIUT coordinates Sino-Italian international studies in various disciplines including education, justice, politics, languages, architecture, humanities and philosophy, art and design, environmental engineering etc., explores further cooperation opportunities, promotes talent training competence, contributes to national strategies and is dedicated to building a national leading research center for Italian Studies among domestic higher education institutes.

  • 2017: CSIUT filed as a research center of international studies by the Ministry of Education;

  • 2018: inauguration ceremony of CSIUT and 1st symposium, inaugurated by Vice President LEI Xinghui;

  • 2020: inauguration of the Sino-Italian Center on Administration of Justice, set up by TJSIC and Tongji Law School, with the University of Pisa as partner;

  • 2021: evaluated "high-level development institution" by the Ministry of Education


Renaissance; Italian Politics and Diplomatic Relations; "the Belt and Road" strategy on Italy; Italian Law and Intellectual Property Protection; Italian Architecture and Heritage Protection; Italian Innovative Urban Administration; Italian Art and Design; Italian Higher Education; Italian Language and Culture; Italian Sustainable Development; Sino-Italian Technology Management etc.


CSIUT - Sino-Italian Center on Administration of Justice


Centro Studi Italiani Università Tongji

Yun Chou Building,1239 Siping Road, 200092, Shanghai, China

E-mail: sinoitaliancampus@tongji.edu.cn

Tel: +86 21 65983721